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CoSpaces - Virtual Reality

The app

CoSpaces is an online platform for designing virtual interactive 3D content. Through an easy drag-and-drop interface of preexisting elements, users can build 3D environments made up of characters, buildings, and other objects. As well as possible to give these objects life by attaching animations and behaviors through code - box base. Users can share their creations and view them come alive with VR (Virtual Reality) sets or through AG (Augmented Reality) experiences by scanning QR codes or Merge Cubes through a cellphone.

Using the app to foster creativity

Learning how to code may be the principal usability that CoSpaces could have for students. As mentioned, the app's box coding interface may guide the students on the first coding steps. In contrast to apps like Scratch or Lego Robotics, CoSpaces can take advantage of the emotional engagement that using VR has been reported to have (Bailenson, 2018). Using preexisting elements allows a structured but flexible, self-directed experience, ideal for nurturing code logic and creativity.

The app can be helpful for all swords of classes, including physics, history, and art. Some of the commons projects that users share on CoSpaces media show interactive storytelling, multimedia exposition, video games, physics simulations, 360 tours, and multimedia exhibitions. The teacher is responsible for taking advantage of this app as a tool for learning while coding and making 3D Designs. Some studies indicate that VR applications and games must often be curriculum-aligned (Pellas, Hatzilygeroudis & Kazanidis, 2021).

As a design platform, CoSpaces is not only meant to be an impulsor of students' creativity but also for teachers. Recognizing that having a role model of creativity is key to nurturing a creativity-supportive environment (Beghetto & Kaufman, 2014), the teacher can develop through CoSpaces learning activities. Here are some ideas:

  • Design a lock box that must be decoded by solving problems of the subject and display it on the Merge Cube.

  • Develop an interactive study case for the students to solve as a final assessment.

  • Use physics simulations on the app to help students understand or apply physics laws.

  • Start classes with an escape room on 360 tours on a historical place aligned to the class topic.

CoSpaces designs by Álvaro Pérez based on the program templates


Finally, as a platform directed to teach elementary students essential elements of code logic, CoSpaces may have some limitations when facing more developed students. Features such as having preexisting elements can limit their creativity by not being able to create a character from scratch. Also, as a technical observation, the interface is slow when opening projects. In conclusion, the app is limited to be used by elementary or first-year secondary students.


Bailenson, J. (2018). Experience on demand: What virtual reality is, how it works, and what it can do. W. W. Norton & Company.

Beghetto, R. A., & Kaufman, J. C. (2014). Classroom contexts for creativity. High Ability Studies, 25(1), 53–69.

Pellas, N., Hatzilygeroudis, I., & Kazanidis, I. (2021). Immersive Virtual Reality in K-12 and Higher Education: A systematic review of the last decade scientific literature. Virtual Reality, 25(3), 835–861.

Chen, M. (August 24, 2022) CoSpaces Edu Review for Teachers. Common Sense Education. Common Sense Education.

1 Comment

Shah Garcia
Shah Garcia
Apr 09, 2023

Hi Alvaro,

I found your blog really interesting, CoSpaces is really an intuitive tool and agree that this tool can apply to all sorts of classes within school. When using CoSpaces myself, II found the coding aspect really helpful in understanding coding, and personally I feel that this could be fundamental technological tool to use for students to understand the aspects of coding especially as it is apart of syllabus. So this tool can be essential for primary level students. I do understand when you were explaining that when teacher's are creative it sorts a creative learning environment. However, I also think then when teacher's are also experts within that technological environment and find the same enjoyment within whatever technological…


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EDUC3620 Digital Creativity and Learning - Macquarie University - Class Project

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